Thursday, June 25, 2009

In the dark

I don’t know what to do. The course I was going to take in the fall is not being offered. This completely baffles me as it is a core course for the statistics program and I wasn’t at all concerned that it would be removed when they revised the schedule. But it’s gone. There are hardly any grad stat courses.

So I have two thoughts crossing through my mind. Do I take the only course that fits my schedule even though it was not a course I was going to take, just to take a course and remain an enrolled student? Do I not take any courses? If I don’t take a course, what does that mean for my future? Will I go back? It will certainly make life easier in the way of balancing my time, but what about the future of my job? Without the additional education, I will certainly be bored in my job. I was looking forward to a 500-level course that wouldn’t be too tough – thought that would be good for balancing the addition of raising a child. So now what? I don’t know.

God – what is going on?! What is your plan for my life? I heard you tell me to not worry about how I will pay for this semester – is that because you knew that class wasn’t going to be offered? I know you show me a step at a time, but this seems unclear. And I feel like I am taking so many steps in so many directions that I don’t know which way to look. What path are you lighting? Where does it lead? Is there something I am not seeing?

1 comment:

  1. I know sometimes God works in strange ways, but I don't know... after writing this I went out to my car for a break to listen for some answers. I felt God telling me that he is still teaching me about relationships and that should be focus.
    Then when I went to leave for the day my car wouldn't start. As it turns out, it is going to be expensive to get it up to speed. So now I am thinking my school money is going towards my car. I was already uncertain about it, and with this...
