When I was a high school senior, I had a unique English class. We read books, and we wrote essays, but it wasn’t a boring English class. (you can tell it’s not my favorite subject.) I don’t know what aspects of English as an academic subject I learned. We met in the theatre since my teacher also taught drama. So there was no board to write on, no spelling words, etc. But I learned something valuable in that class. I learned how to think critically. I would say our academic year in that class had a theme. If I had to put it into one word: revolution. Although I don’t think that accurately describes the whole of our discussions. We discussed human nature, and read books such as Lord of the Flies. From there we talked about conformity how one brings about change (revolution) and read books such as Brave New World and Animal Farm. There was one instance I remember clearly. We had a substitute and were supposed to watch Lord of Flies movie. Someone had Independence Day with him and convinced the sub to let us watch that instead. The next day the teacher wasn’t happy about it, and seemed just as upset/disappointed with the students in the class who knew better but didn’t say anything. I could have sworn she was talking to me. That instance fit so well into the theme it seemed, but it spoke to me about who I am. Yes I am quiet (especially at that time), but I am seen as someone who can take leadership and make a change. In my yearbook, my teacher wrote: “remember, the revolution begins with you.” Now I always thought about that as something spiritual.
Why am I saying all this? That was a lot about something that happened fourteen years ago. Because I believe that God gives us experiences to prepare us for our future. He is always setting us up for something greater. I believe that God wants me to be someone who is changing my world. There are times that I have tried this, but became discouraged. However, as I have maturated spiritually, I understand more and more how it is God working through me that his will is accomplished. I am coming to believe that it is possible to create change and not lose heart. (and when I say believe, I mean not theoretical belief, but living it out kind of belief.) When I read about BSSM this morning, this memory about my English class came to mind. I believe that God is going to use that to springboard me into a “revolutionary” life. I know God can use and change us wherever we are. And I don’t expect him to wait until I am there to work in my life. I know he has a lot to do with me, even in preparation for the school. When I think about what BSSM will require: financially, with my time, my commitment, etc., it is scary. It will stretch me, but following God with all my life is worth it. I will lay down my fishing net to become fishers of men.
Oh, to add to my list...
15 years ago