We finished reading Crazy Love for our small group. I still have so much to process. I am a thinker and often get so distracted by my thoughts that I don't take action. Listening to everyone talk about how their lives are going to change made me realize that even if I am not done thinking I need to start doing. Really.
(So thanks everyone from small group for encouraging me. I know I sat there in silence, but I appreciated the discussion around me.)
When an idea comes to mind repeatedly I can tell it is God. What has been on my mind and heart for years is the desire to take in children who need a loving home. My thoughts have always been either, "maybe someday if I'm married," or "when I have a home and good income." But why not now? Any excuse I come up gets shot down. So I am going to look into fostering children. It's kind of crazy - I'm single, working full time and going to graduate school, but so what. It's not as if other people aren't doing that out of necessity. If it is God's will, He will provide. I have no doubts about that.
Oh, to add to my list...
15 years ago
I have attended the foster parent orientation, submitted the application, got fingerprinted, scheduled CPR/First Aid training, and cleared out my 2nd bedroom. Now I just need to complete 27 hours of training, get a bed (need help here) and then receive a home visit.